The Meaning, The Symbol

The Meaning, The Symbol

The Meaning behind the serpent convincing adam and eve to take the forbidden fruit.

Simply boils down to temptation. Everyday temptation. The temptation to delve into an argument or negative dispute. The temptation to be gluttonous and taking to an extent it deprives others. The temptation to take something when its glistening in the moment of a chance to steal it… All these things have extremes and basic metophorical meaning in every day life. It all depends on how you apply it.

But if you can overcome that temptation and continue on a path of love you will grow stronger and soon you will resonate above the frequencies that can cause adverse effects… Simplify; As you become more enlightened and your vibration increases, those with lower vibrations and more dense duality infested, negativity consumed existences will no longer be able to bled there emotions and thoughts into your own being for your energy field will simply be resonating more powerful and fast and brighter than dense vibrations will simply dissipate

Now again its no easy process, i have not even gotten to the point where my vibration is high enough to avoid the tractor beam of negativity, I get sucked in from time to time, i still succumb to human emotion and no matter how far i get in my enlightenment until i ascend it will always be there. I just hope this post may touch someones heart and give them hope. maybe give you a little courage to no matter what happens in your path no matter how many times you fall no matter how many times temptations pulls you away whether it be for mere seconds or a couple of years, The path is always there and waiting, and your higher state of being is eagerly and passionately waiting for you.

One more note, pride from your mistakes, be happy when you fuck up, dont be ashamed, let it become something that can make you smile. Because without those mistakes, disappointments, times of peril, transgressions, and trials… We wouldn’t learn, we would be mindless drones living a life with no meaning. No matter how bad you fuck up there is redemption, just start simple learn to love yourself, and take it from somebody still embarking on this journey and proudly accepting i have a long way to go. I still have to learn about loving myself, i understand i put the intention out, but it still blows my mind how one does that. So when i find out ill post my experience in hopes that that as well will be a blessing to someone in need.

So to any of my readers, i hope this helps, if it confused you I apologize i am all over the place when i get to expressing myself. and to any of my readers thank you for reading. I hope this helps someone, and i hope its you whoever YOU may be 🙂


We are all in this together. Never forget that, We all have our own pace, our own ways but the same goal. Unity & Balance

Spirit Science Episode 7 ‘Dimensions’

If any of my followers, have never seen the Spirit Science videos i highly highly highly recommend them. I posted the 7th episode but i surely to recommend watching from the first. This guys and these videos are take it or leave it, he even says it in some of his episodes, that his beliefs dont have to be all that you follow. So if only part of these episodes stick out and you find some peace in good and the other half are there to be watched again or not watched, he takes no offense, he does this outta the good of his heart to educate, I gained a large amount of my spirituality and how i go about it from these videos, I wanna use the word structure to my spirituality but it almost seems wrong putting those two words in the same sentence.

Anyways take it or leave it, Give it a chance though. Educate yourself. Go into it with an open mind.

Million Mask March (Facebook Page)

Million Mask March (Facebook Page)

Join up on facebook, Anyone that is interested in standing up for themselves and there neighbor, educate yourself, Wake up, Realize the truth behind the lies of media, and the words of our government. Click the link above. Join up.

Puttin tags down like a game of tag.

I guess i really want my words to be heard. So i just took the time to copy a collection of tags and pasted it in most all my post’s. I am eager for my voice to be heard. Because its not a guess, its not just a thought, but i KNOW my words will reach into the hearts of many and aid them in times of need. Not trying to come of as prophetic because i acknowledge many others already on this site that have done so for me.

So I played insane tag and hope to reach out to those in need.

Thoughts for Today 7.22.13

Love it

C.Faith Holland

Mental Check list:

1. Am I talking about my blessings more than my problems??

2. Do I remember that I own nothing, everything that surrounds me is temporary, only the Love that I AM will last forever??

3. All my relationships are mirrors of who I THINK I am… What is my refection saying today??

4. Am I Appreciating what IS in my Life today??

5. Am I choosing Peace, while remembering is it ALWAYS an option??


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Understand The Contrast



I never really looked into the definitions of either side of yin and yang I have heard people discuss and through hear say i realized i was misled when i saw a post on facebook and in the comments someone was correcting someone on its true meaning. Again another stumbling upon leading to more knowledge that is needed. Interesting how we have by default adopted dark things to be bad, even myself, even to the moment i read that comment i still held onto concepts such as that. Though outside of duality there is no “good” or “bad” we do indeed live in duality so gaining knowledge such as this is beneficial to myself and my progression. Hope this helps others as well

The Comment From Robert Warner on the Facebook Post i Meantioned.

“Yin (The lighter side) is the bad one. While Yang (the darker side) is considered the good. You guys are taking an European stance that light is the good and dark is the evil.Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity and nighttime.

Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive; and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime.”


Figured i drop the link to the post from a page i follow called Awaken The Mind on facebook, Amazing page indeed send some likes there way.