A Glorious First Thing to See in My Morning

“The mushrooms said clearly, ‘When a species prepares to depart for the stars, the planet will be shaken to its core.’ All evolution has pushed for this moment, and there is no going back. What lies ahead is a dimension of such freedom and transcendence, that once in place, the idea of returning to the womb will be preposterous. We will live in the imagination. We will quickly become unrecognizable to our former selves because we’re now defined by our limitations: the laws of gravity; the need to eat, excrete, and make money. We have the will to expand infinitely into pleasure, caring, attention, and connectedness. If nothing more — and it’s a lot more — it’s permission to hope.” ~Terence McKenna


The Need To Eat, But most all of its poison…

The choice of going GMO free. It’s hard when you choose to escape the poison we have grown up on. But its a must in order to progress, How can i focus when my spirit is fighting to expel the destructive chemicals altering my DNA and my health.

Those who share the similar goal and are not already following this person they provide tips and advice on how to avoid GMO (http://gmo-awareness.com/shopping-list/gmo-free-brands/)

Also a few other sources i have been looking into..

Here is a shopping guide to stay GMO free that i found and downloaded the PDF file (http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/files/cfs-shoppers-guide1_94012.pdf)

The Source of the PDF file:


As i educate myself more on this, because i have neglected the need throughout my journey, and now i realize its a must, In order to progress i need to cleanse myself of the ‘Elites’ attempts to shut me down and block my abilities and knowledge. But back to it, as i learn more ill assist in the education and the awareness of GMO and healthy eating for not only our physical bodies but for the progression of our spirit.

Now on a final note, FUCK YOU MONSANTO, FUCK YOU ILLUMINATI… I say that with the utmost love, and confidence your reign will end very soon. For the final wave of consciousness and indigo’s is swiftly growing.

Much love to my followers, I hope you get help from this post, also if anyone has any tips or links for sites i can buy good organic foods and products from.  

Any and all advice for myself, my fiancee, and child in the womb and our health would be welcome and appreciatedImage

So what will it be, Wake up and unite, Or cower and bow to the elite and let them kill us and our bloodlines, turn us into pawns and sheep….

I know my choice, I am choosing to stand and rise against this!!!!!



For those who haven’t educated themselves on Indigo children, or crystal beings, most definitely research and educate yourselves on this. It was a crucial thing that i learned about early into my journey that motivated me and gave me understanding and confidence in what became my spirituality

Where That Thought Leads You & Where You Belong.. Are they the same. Do You See or Can You?

Two times this language has made itself aware to me. Not intending to seek knowledge of myth, history, relevance of the Enochian language. But each time my intuition has brought it to my attention its been a heavy impact. I may just be over the top crazy, but i know what my reality it is, i know what my beliefs are and i know i don’t believe in mere irony or coincidence, everything happens for a reason, whether its tooth and nail the way it presents itself or if it leads you to a greater meaning through something false or strange.

The first time it happened is right there on the tip of my tongue. I can see myself researching it on the computer, and getting worked up and excited and feeling like and my aura pulsing like a strobe light. my intuition screaming so heavily i can feel pressure, not pain like a headache but a strange pressure… It is beyond what exactly it was im trying to remember but i feel that pressure im feeling in my head is a blocker. Maybe im not supposed to remember exactly what it was for that would mislead me, as i said above sometimes things present themselves not exactly as what they are. so that former memory could have been fogged by delusion and pain or confusion and that could mislead me now.

The moment i find myself in now is scrolling through facebook, and i see an amazing drawing…



and on facebook in the description above it i saw the word ‘Enoch’.. Seeing that sparked the partial memory, immediately feeling those sensations i was describing above. That heavy intuition, that stomach dropping desire to follow a trail like a wolf hunting down its meal smelling the ground following the scent of whats making the drool fall from its chin. Hungry like a wolf i immediately pounced on this thought.

So i begin to scrape around for knowledge leading me again to what i remember Enoch being a book in the bible, which caught my interest in the sense of the symbolism behind it, but i ignored that and following the partial memory, looked up Enochian… That is were i found my second coming of this non coincidence.. I immediately got absorbed into some of the history behind it, the launguage, an angelic language.

In which i found an interpretation of symbols into single letters, and than i researched the dictionary which interprets the collection of those single letters (if that makes sense)

Anyways i began to compare the symbols i draw in the source, now they were not spot on. But some were very very very very similar and i would assume if this were to be truth the depiction of such an extravagant language wouldn’t be perfect, at least not in this dimension.

I’m in this craze. Where i go back and forth with my human ego and my true self. My ego telling me i’m insane, i’m digging for purpose i’m digging digging digging…

But how many times has my ego served me well, material gain aside.. Nothing for my soul.

My intuition has treated me well thus far, it has elegantly lead me on this journey everything solidified and serving its purpose giving me purpose…

Anyways, Regardless of what it is. Through a little bit of back and forth the page my intuition told me to look for symbols on i found this to be said… Though it doesnt make sense i’m sure it could be out of order and maybe misinterpreted some of the symbols…

“6 6 unto 4 ye with with?”

Now yes in the spectrum of our language that makes not a lick of sense after the number 4… I figured some of my followers share similar beliefs so if you have any insight or intuition in regards to this post please do me the favor of handing me your opinion and interpretation.

IN the mean time much love and peace to you all. 

Understand We’re Misunderstood

We spend our lives running in circles. Why is the concept of spirals so hard to grasp and apply? Growth, not just physical our bodies take care of that on their own… Spiritual, Mental, Emotional growth. The kind of growth you don’t get from the illusion school represents, or the bullshit you hear on main stream media, or the words that get forcefully etched into your brain about going to college, getting a job, collecting retirement…. None of these things support the growth i talk about. It seems impossible at times in such a dis harmonic age… Constantly battling with ourselves and our own progress among-st the speed bumps that is every day life, drama, and supposed “friends”… It’s true what i heard a while back when i started on my journey, when your vibration increases even the slightest bit, those who are still deep in there circles and have not the slightest step in there awakening, the “sheeple” as some would say, just don’t resonate with me… It causes, animosity, anger, discontent, and issues to arise. So these become my trials withstanding the terrain of the dense sheep..

I say dense lightly but very stern. So dense that me not feeling the need to interact with a roommate of mine as much as they would like has been perceived as me being rude and has caused a whole mess of issues. (That is all i will touch up on that, its pointless to go into detail with the situation that inspired this.)

Anyways, do some of these people not realize impeding in such ways and taking things to unnecessary levels, they are trying to pull the ones on there journeys down into there circles… Or do they not know any better like an untrained dog.

I do my best, i work with my intention, and i balance myself. But as i have said in the past, I succumb to anger, i am still human and haven’t ascended yet, I am on my journey but not as far as others. Not completely balanced, still have the muck of the years of torture to clear out of my mind. A thick oily film casting itself over the image of my progression. But that bland dull image does not stop me.

Back to the misunderstood, I am now becoming more misunderstood among-st those i surround myself with, because the truths i see they don’t either understand or care to believe… Fear of change, the unknown, the truth, the fact we were born into lies, trained with lies, we were bred, forced into a fashioning of the way we think. So why is when us few (now more than a few, and rapidly increasing) that are waking up, and ripping off our robotic elements, and finding the light and color, and stars in ourselves, why is it that things get rough… Because we are living the hell organized religion fears, they find comfort and denying they are living that hell, and they project something worse, But duality is hell. I wish duality could be mastered and harmonic… but this experiment is failing, and as the resistance and the Calvary tries to fix what has been set off course, we are getting torn around the current of despair and controversy….

Yet i Understand, that i will not give up. That doesn’t mean in this very moment, i feel such rage i spoke of, and i am even more angry at myself for feeling it. But trying to communicate responsibly, maturely, and level headed with others in a dense vibration is like chewing on Styrofoam, bending a nail back, stubbing your toe… 

I feel better now that i was able to express that, I know i was all over the place but i hope it was understood on some level. 

Intention… Try It

Well though it was a rough start to the morning, I have yet again realized that indeed intention is real and I do indeed have control over my reality. I told my roommate and fiancee last week that I indeed will get work within a week. On that week mark look at this. I have a job. Full time Mon-Fri 8-4 with chance of promotion so long as I show my worth.

Doubt is simply the counterpart to your own damnation in your own hand. You can single handedly destroy your own progression allowing waves generated from negativty to shut down your determined intention. 

Let go of feeling the negative, acknowledge and accept its there, and it will always be until we ascend from this state of duality. By simplicity acknowledging it your enlightened beyond ignorance, and further more you are not allowing it to control you. If you do exactly that you have found the key to progression. Now its simply finding the doors and picking the right ones, and that is were the control of your reality comes into play. If your heart tells you its the right door by all means go through it. 

Never expect things to go easy, expectation is grounds for disappointment which leads to doubt, which leads to suffering, and walking you in circles whilst holding your hand with a painful grasp. 

Instead again realize all those things are there. But refuse to allow them to happen. There will be millions of attempts against your progress, hurdles and “demons” standing in the way trying to pull you off the path. But take into consideration the things I said and you can start becoming the puppet master as opposed to the puppet of your own destiny.

So don’t take you have control over your reality so literal, just apply it in simple means, eventually it will grow into an amazing strength sharing views like this and realizing you can indeed control any aspect, unfortunately we live in an age were we have to conform to some degree, but are you gonna try to avoid it and doubt yourself because of it, or will you just accept it for what it is, put the intention out to make the conformity, conform to what you want. and there is the control and the manipulation of your reality.

Meditate, concentrate, put out the intention and you will see. take it easy step by step this does not happen over night. indeed its taken me 6 months of self work and exploration to even be able to spew these words with confidence of the fact they are true. So don’t expect just do. Just exist, be you, be love, be light, make your own reality and keep your neighbors good or bad in your heart and wish the best, don’t allow yourself to be reeled into the negativity and never expect it to be gone. Because until we ascend we will not be free of a split spectrum. 
