
It’s not always easy, Especially on your journey when you reach amazing milestones the universe will throw itself at you to test you to see how durable and dedicated you have actually become. As of recent in my life something very very very trying has come about. Right after the storm of settling in home with a new kid and getting a whole bunch of stuff for my house that was needed. Finally making my home feel like a home. Now it seems as though a strange celestial rift has come about to shatter the portrait of home and now all i see is a broken image of what i had only days ago. The point of this is, I want to give up, i want to recede to my old ways and cope with drugs, or fighting, or manipulating peoples minds for my own sick gain or entertainment. But instead even in the deep depression i felt this morning i got up when i heard my alarm. I dragged my feet through the house got ready and here i am about to go about a day of work. Facing my own grief but still moving forward. As hard as that is, as much as my depression is telling me call out, I can not do that. I have to keep moving. Not even to keep my mind busy and off the reality of my situation, because thats what i play video games for. Just to keep moving, prove to myself and the universe you can throw anything at me, you have my whole entire life, shit you fashioned my body to be scarring my kidneys and poisoning me from birth, and curved legs from the knee down, yet my kidneys are fully functional, and i walk a straight line despite the pain i have normal legs. So here is my ballad to you universe, My progress is something i realize as a real thing. Sure in times like this i question my beliefs but for anyone reading this, if you go through a struggle like this feeling that is natural, of course you’ll question life in itself if its a situation that really hits at home, The difference is, are you going to let it control you? are you going to give up on everything you have built? are you gonna wither away and just let go? are you going to back pedal and undo however many years, days, weeks, minutes or seconds of progress you have made?

Progress for the sake of progress? Not this time, not this time at all

Progress for the sake of life, for the ability to get up and continue to evolve… Not change… Evolve. Progress for my son, who is involved in this twisted situation at such a delicate age. Progress so maybe i wont want to break down every time a thought comes across my mind. Progress…. Find what the true definition of progress is to you, and what it means, how important it is to you. Than decide, if its worth giving up. As much as i want to, I say no… it is not worth giving up

A Glorious First Thing to See in My Morning

“The mushrooms said clearly, ‘When a species prepares to depart for the stars, the planet will be shaken to its core.’ All evolution has pushed for this moment, and there is no going back. What lies ahead is a dimension of such freedom and transcendence, that once in place, the idea of returning to the womb will be preposterous. We will live in the imagination. We will quickly become unrecognizable to our former selves because we’re now defined by our limitations: the laws of gravity; the need to eat, excrete, and make money. We have the will to expand infinitely into pleasure, caring, attention, and connectedness. If nothing more — and it’s a lot more — it’s permission to hope.” ~Terence McKenna


The Proper Dose

At a loss for words. The tides changing and the horizon is endless in every way. Some people stop time and others lose their minds. Not asleep and not awake.


Thats balance, Where did the owl come from…. Why? Could it be to start a fire or just to illuminate the path. Destruction is at our disposal and hiding in our closets. Memories fade as time flies. The ones who stay are there to study. Examine ones mind to the core. Examine those around you. Examine your energy. Observant, with a chessboard. Fallen Fallen from the sky absorbed into the minds ey. A coiled snake and a stubborn lion. Control yourself first. Pick up the ball and play a while. When you put it back you smile. Everywhere seems different. Turth is your insane to believe the scratchs on the floor under the portrait.  So you see and embrace a vision and motivate your cause. Fire and ice and the endless patterns and nameless colors. Tell me I can’t move things with my mind.


The clouds are grey on the horizon. Morbid art. Display of sloth. Self realization and a broken heart. Was it you? or was it true?


Prepare for take off. 


Short of perfect is a piece of dirt. Perfect really is nothing. Abscence


Mirrors are dangerous and so are you.

-The reflection is not the trick. Its the eyes. All three. See See exactly. Distracted from noise its ignored. But when it projects instead of reflects, you will than take hold. Split down the middle as for why? Because it was written…. Concepts of inception.


So far away. So far away. Hours turning into lifetimes. Sunrises and the moon glows. The cycle changes but only for an instant and than it slips away


(The Proper Dose is an entry from something called ‘The Source’ if your new to this blog look at my earlier post to gain a quick understanding of what exactly ‘The Source’ is)

Ballad of Spirits from The Strange

Progress for the sake of progress. We infinitely spiral out of ourselves while we realize the definition of limitation is our creation. The simultaneous existence of vibration and energy creating the ability to dream the life we live. Inception upon our own existence. The choice of lower vibration for this colorful existence and the destructive nature. Will we the Calvary influence a change or get swallowed by the violent current of imbalance. Succumb to the dense vibration we sought to save. A dimension lost and reborn here we are. The final days, years, minutes, or seconds of our fragmented existence. I hope we indigo’s rise, i hope all children of the stars prosper we’ve lost many to the seducing chains of human existence. Caught in the circles we created. But all the illusions and “suffering” felt through them do not exist without reason



Is it a conflict or metamorphosis of temptation into habit? 



We Preserve the excuses in order to progress along the oh so triumphant path of justification.



But as natural as it comes to our human nature and form why do we fight against it as we portray it in the dark spectrum of destruction.



Ballads of an indecisive & Confused being, Strokes of sheer genius emitted from the dimension above. The bigger picture. Raw existence.



Authors Note: Still have some modest inspiration sparked at the most random times. In the midst of working the other day let my machine run grabbed a paper and pen and let my spirit say what it needed to. Feels great to have a bond, though not so in my face as i used to want its still a grand experience. Seems as though the secret to finding truely is to stop searching. 

**The Drawing as well was done at work a month or so ago. Going between working with my machine and slowly peacing the it together over a time span of a few hours. Words on the bottom center say ‘Collision of Randomnity’


Been Some Time

Apologies to anyone who was following my blog. I had a kid on the way and alot of shifts to take in my life. People to remove from my waves of progress, and situations to change and bend to my will. But all is well now. Succeeded through odds that wished nothing more but to see me decline and fall on my face. So I sit here today hoping to regain motivation to continue my legacy, in hopes my words reach out to the hearts and spirits of all those on similar, lower, or higher vibrations and wave lengths. I wish the best to all whom would be happy to know ill be back at to the best of my ability. And I hope more tag along on the journey i wish to venture on. So to start of here is something i wrote not to long ago.

“We collect, we strive, We live & Die. But the one goal seen by that one eye. The all seeing, fleeting, and uplifting magnetic pull of creation. The illusion of what we are and what we were. Combined here we stand in the blizzards of time, the tidal waves of distortion, and the broken portrait of what we were able to be. The peace we could have seen, but no now we must fight against towering odds, to help our fallen brothers open there eyes once more, to see we’ve always been home.” 

Inspired only this morning not even an hour before my instinct told me to venture on over to wordpress and let some of my words spread across the pages of the web.


Understand We’re Misunderstood

We spend our lives running in circles. Why is the concept of spirals so hard to grasp and apply? Growth, not just physical our bodies take care of that on their own… Spiritual, Mental, Emotional growth. The kind of growth you don’t get from the illusion school represents, or the bullshit you hear on main stream media, or the words that get forcefully etched into your brain about going to college, getting a job, collecting retirement…. None of these things support the growth i talk about. It seems impossible at times in such a dis harmonic age… Constantly battling with ourselves and our own progress among-st the speed bumps that is every day life, drama, and supposed “friends”… It’s true what i heard a while back when i started on my journey, when your vibration increases even the slightest bit, those who are still deep in there circles and have not the slightest step in there awakening, the “sheeple” as some would say, just don’t resonate with me… It causes, animosity, anger, discontent, and issues to arise. So these become my trials withstanding the terrain of the dense sheep..

I say dense lightly but very stern. So dense that me not feeling the need to interact with a roommate of mine as much as they would like has been perceived as me being rude and has caused a whole mess of issues. (That is all i will touch up on that, its pointless to go into detail with the situation that inspired this.)

Anyways, do some of these people not realize impeding in such ways and taking things to unnecessary levels, they are trying to pull the ones on there journeys down into there circles… Or do they not know any better like an untrained dog.

I do my best, i work with my intention, and i balance myself. But as i have said in the past, I succumb to anger, i am still human and haven’t ascended yet, I am on my journey but not as far as others. Not completely balanced, still have the muck of the years of torture to clear out of my mind. A thick oily film casting itself over the image of my progression. But that bland dull image does not stop me.

Back to the misunderstood, I am now becoming more misunderstood among-st those i surround myself with, because the truths i see they don’t either understand or care to believe… Fear of change, the unknown, the truth, the fact we were born into lies, trained with lies, we were bred, forced into a fashioning of the way we think. So why is when us few (now more than a few, and rapidly increasing) that are waking up, and ripping off our robotic elements, and finding the light and color, and stars in ourselves, why is it that things get rough… Because we are living the hell organized religion fears, they find comfort and denying they are living that hell, and they project something worse, But duality is hell. I wish duality could be mastered and harmonic… but this experiment is failing, and as the resistance and the Calvary tries to fix what has been set off course, we are getting torn around the current of despair and controversy….

Yet i Understand, that i will not give up. That doesn’t mean in this very moment, i feel such rage i spoke of, and i am even more angry at myself for feeling it. But trying to communicate responsibly, maturely, and level headed with others in a dense vibration is like chewing on Styrofoam, bending a nail back, stubbing your toe… 

I feel better now that i was able to express that, I know i was all over the place but i hope it was understood on some level. 

The oddities of realization

Very interesting. Im sure some of my followers may be fans of tool and probably know of this but those who do not. This is the band Tool and there album changed around according to there track list. This link explains why….

Now this interpretation aside. All of there music, there lyrics, the way they play there instruments, its methodical and everything about them spirals like that of existence down to the smallest vibration.

Amazing how many people share the same belief structure i do including this band, and many many many of its true fans. If you like the band but never really picked up on the lyrics take the time to listen to each album again and read the lyrics for each song. And see what it means to you, I highly recommend this for those whom are like myself and even those who aren’t but open to suggestion.

So my followers and hopefully some new followers in the future here is The Holy Gift. (I do suggest looking up the track list for this album lateralus, going on the link i posted find out how its rearranged, and read the lyrics to the song as you listen)
