A moment of definition

We forever are parading upon as an existence. Strange to each other but what about to ourselves. There are a million mysteries to be solved within the individual.

The dark depths of your spirit hold good, bad, ugly, distorted, Perfect, Solidifying, Beautiful and strange things. The methods of digging through these depths differ. I have my own tools and methods that i use and as of 2 nights ago i experienced stuff about myself i knew was there but couldn’t except. Facing your “demons” so to. Amazing crippling, eye opening, strange experience indeed.

To see that yes indeed my intention is a powerful powerful expression of my spirit and mind. To see and hear the results of intentions some i buried in memory was an amazing experience. To be sure that beyond this life and dimension, without doubt. Gaining the proof i need to solidify what i believe in, and to feel the love of reality and the universe as a whole.

These ranting paragraphs might be poorly put together and i am sorry for the confusion if any is caused but it is hard to boil down into words exactly what i felt. I guess i could say it helped me define who I am to myself and the likes of the surrounding energy. I was able to identify my fatal flaw, lack of love for myself. I was able to communicate with something so grand and so universal that i feel a comfort in every step i have taken since my experience.

I truly hope maybe my words will inspire someone to take a dive into the depths of your spirit. Though some corners might instill fear it is there for a reason and looking beyond the simplification of one emotion and seeing it for the grand scheme amazing portrait it really is eases any fear that could be caused by any outside force.

I encourage you guys to research your methods find your ways and ultimately look into yourself. Because there is nothing boring about the individual there is nothing bland, there is never a point where there wont be something else to learn. For when we hit that point i know what would come next i have strength in those words, the ultimate goal unify and ascend.

See The Way thats needed

See The Way thats needed

Bottom Left: “Do you hear them to?” “Strange” “Hubris pure will”
Right: “It looks like the spinal collumn” (see i mispelled column lol)

A simple picture but when i look at it, I can fall into it at times, Something very deep within its simplicity