Understand We’re Misunderstood

We spend our lives running in circles. Why is the concept of spirals so hard to grasp and apply? Growth, not just physical our bodies take care of that on their own… Spiritual, Mental, Emotional growth. The kind of growth you don’t get from the illusion school represents, or the bullshit you hear on main stream media, or the words that get forcefully etched into your brain about going to college, getting a job, collecting retirement…. None of these things support the growth i talk about. It seems impossible at times in such a dis harmonic age… Constantly battling with ourselves and our own progress among-st the speed bumps that is every day life, drama, and supposed “friends”… It’s true what i heard a while back when i started on my journey, when your vibration increases even the slightest bit, those who are still deep in there circles and have not the slightest step in there awakening, the “sheeple” as some would say, just don’t resonate with me… It causes, animosity, anger, discontent, and issues to arise. So these become my trials withstanding the terrain of the dense sheep..

I say dense lightly but very stern. So dense that me not feeling the need to interact with a roommate of mine as much as they would like has been perceived as me being rude and has caused a whole mess of issues. (That is all i will touch up on that, its pointless to go into detail with the situation that inspired this.)

Anyways, do some of these people not realize impeding in such ways and taking things to unnecessary levels, they are trying to pull the ones on there journeys down into there circles… Or do they not know any better like an untrained dog.

I do my best, i work with my intention, and i balance myself. But as i have said in the past, I succumb to anger, i am still human and haven’t ascended yet, I am on my journey but not as far as others. Not completely balanced, still have the muck of the years of torture to clear out of my mind. A thick oily film casting itself over the image of my progression. But that bland dull image does not stop me.

Back to the misunderstood, I am now becoming more misunderstood among-st those i surround myself with, because the truths i see they don’t either understand or care to believe… Fear of change, the unknown, the truth, the fact we were born into lies, trained with lies, we were bred, forced into a fashioning of the way we think. So why is when us few (now more than a few, and rapidly increasing) that are waking up, and ripping off our robotic elements, and finding the light and color, and stars in ourselves, why is it that things get rough… Because we are living the hell organized religion fears, they find comfort and denying they are living that hell, and they project something worse, But duality is hell. I wish duality could be mastered and harmonic… but this experiment is failing, and as the resistance and the Calvary tries to fix what has been set off course, we are getting torn around the current of despair and controversy….

Yet i Understand, that i will not give up. That doesn’t mean in this very moment, i feel such rage i spoke of, and i am even more angry at myself for feeling it. But trying to communicate responsibly, maturely, and level headed with others in a dense vibration is like chewing on Styrofoam, bending a nail back, stubbing your toe… 

I feel better now that i was able to express that, I know i was all over the place but i hope it was understood on some level.