Intention… Try It

Well though it was a rough start to the morning, I have yet again realized that indeed intention is real and I do indeed have control over my reality. I told my roommate and fiancee last week that I indeed will get work within a week. On that week mark look at this. I have a job. Full time Mon-Fri 8-4 with chance of promotion so long as I show my worth.

Doubt is simply the counterpart to your own damnation in your own hand. You can single handedly destroy your own progression allowing waves generated from negativty to shut down your determined intention. 

Let go of feeling the negative, acknowledge and accept its there, and it will always be until we ascend from this state of duality. By simplicity acknowledging it your enlightened beyond ignorance, and further more you are not allowing it to control you. If you do exactly that you have found the key to progression. Now its simply finding the doors and picking the right ones, and that is were the control of your reality comes into play. If your heart tells you its the right door by all means go through it. 

Never expect things to go easy, expectation is grounds for disappointment which leads to doubt, which leads to suffering, and walking you in circles whilst holding your hand with a painful grasp. 

Instead again realize all those things are there. But refuse to allow them to happen. There will be millions of attempts against your progress, hurdles and “demons” standing in the way trying to pull you off the path. But take into consideration the things I said and you can start becoming the puppet master as opposed to the puppet of your own destiny.

So don’t take you have control over your reality so literal, just apply it in simple means, eventually it will grow into an amazing strength sharing views like this and realizing you can indeed control any aspect, unfortunately we live in an age were we have to conform to some degree, but are you gonna try to avoid it and doubt yourself because of it, or will you just accept it for what it is, put the intention out to make the conformity, conform to what you want. and there is the control and the manipulation of your reality.

Meditate, concentrate, put out the intention and you will see. take it easy step by step this does not happen over night. indeed its taken me 6 months of self work and exploration to even be able to spew these words with confidence of the fact they are true. So don’t expect just do. Just exist, be you, be love, be light, make your own reality and keep your neighbors good or bad in your heart and wish the best, don’t allow yourself to be reeled into the negativity and never expect it to be gone. Because until we ascend we will not be free of a split spectrum. 


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