Million Mask March (Facebook Page)

Million Mask March (Facebook Page)

Join up on facebook, Anyone that is interested in standing up for themselves and there neighbor, educate yourself, Wake up, Realize the truth behind the lies of media, and the words of our government. Click the link above. Join up.

Puttin tags down like a game of tag.

I guess i really want my words to be heard. So i just took the time to copy a collection of tags and pasted it in most all my post’s. I am eager for my voice to be heard. Because its not a guess, its not just a thought, but i KNOW my words will reach into the hearts of many and aid them in times of need. Not trying to come of as prophetic because i acknowledge many others already on this site that have done so for me.

So I played insane tag and hope to reach out to those in need.

Thoughts for Today 7.22.13

Love it

C.Faith Holland

Mental Check list:

1. Am I talking about my blessings more than my problems??

2. Do I remember that I own nothing, everything that surrounds me is temporary, only the Love that I AM will last forever??

3. All my relationships are mirrors of who I THINK I am… What is my refection saying today??

4. Am I Appreciating what IS in my Life today??

5. Am I choosing Peace, while remembering is it ALWAYS an option??


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Untitled Disco (A more grim entry from ‘The Source’)

As you watch the ground tremble,
I stand on the horizon,
Forever shall I induce change,
A hint of Anarchy, A Hint of Humor & an evil grin,
They have eternity to wait for you,
So existence sways; Time ticks & Clocks fade
The numbers are falling off the page,
Watch my face age. By the minute; I begin to change
Ticking and stumbling down a river, Can you not swim?
Take a deep breath; Close your eyes,
Embrace liquid motion, Let it flow
Soothe that which… (strangely enough it ends there… But on the next page)

What could it mean?
Put the pieces together,
Cancel your fear. Swallow the sorrow.
Void! Oh The Void!
Slowly as the sun sets
We grow. Towering over your spirit.
Potrayel of the end time…
Thind hand of judgement
                   of correction
                   of balance
                   of power
                   of influence
                   of strength
                   of concentration
                   of fury
                   of shadows

Never be a stranger to yourself. Seals of ancient times cracked open.
Gates and doors.
They stand ready,
                           Always ready,
                                                Always Aware

Not Me… But Me? (Another Entry from ‘The Source’)

The mask so to say. A strange change of pace. Crooked smile flickers across my face. It’s me, or is it. The Image of balance. Until ascension to a higher dimension duality remains. Becoming one. As progression and steps are made. It gets harder to move forward. Your “demons” so to say try harder. That is why people stray from paths of purity. The lack of will is a daunting black and white portait on the wall. A slight change or a massive change can be seen in your aura but only those with the ability to discern can see it. Dont expose the film to light otherwise your end result is distorted. Only the cover of red allows for the proper outcome. So in turn I give you this…. Those “demons” you try and run from are a necesity. at least for now. remember everything is set in place for a reason.

It starts where it ends. But it never ends if it always starts.

The I Am Turning Into The We Are!!!

The I Am Turning Into The We Are!!!

Rise together to spread the word and love, Many of us were sent here, with the risk of never regaining our true selves and becoming another pawn or sheep lost in the void. But we took that risk knowing it was worth it not concerning ourselves, and ready to gamble on our existence to help millions suffering. So never doubt your purpose never think that you’ll never make an impact, Smile more in a day you make an impact, do random good deeds you’ve made an impact, rise up against the tyranny of the Central Banking system and protest your making a difference. I hated myself and those around me before i realized my purpose is more satisfactory than any amount of material gain could provide. This is our chance, Dont be afraid to be the voice of change, We are in the age of awakening so stand up and fight so we can help our brothers and sisters who came down with us to remember who they are so we can ascend knowing we brought many being oppressed with us. Make a difference, be love, extend your hand and help guide the blind

Choosing your reality.

Love this site already seems many share the same views, beliefs, and spirituality

Wiskin blog

Suppose beings from an alternate dimension gave birth to the material universe as an experiment, to see what could be possible.  A concept sparked by curiosity and imagination.  A place where energy becomes so dense, and so concentrated that it becomes what solid is to gas.  I would imagine the fundamental of everything in this material universe is a geometric pattern at its core.  Patterns where force itself, aligns to set geometric grids, which are brought to motion via additive and subtractive forces which either attract or repel one another.  I’m willing to bet, at it’s very fundamental each geometric unit is completely invisible, because force is the fundamental of all matter, which births what we call energy.

Why this material universe became separate from a higher dimension could be similar to oil and water, where they both exist, but one is always separate from the other.  One is heavier…

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Thoughts on Mortality


The Solid Truth

Mortality is reality.

Life is random ramblings and time

concepts, hourly confines caught in between linear lines within the circle,

the turn the arc, the seed

the center is everywhere

the circumference nowhere

time is cycling not linear

we are all sacred geometry

the mirrors

the miners and the gold.

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