Spirit Science Episode 7 ‘Dimensions’

If any of my followers, have never seen the Spirit Science videos i highly highly highly recommend them. I posted the 7th episode but i surely to recommend watching from the first. This guys and these videos are take it or leave it, he even says it in some of his episodes, that his beliefs dont have to be all that you follow. So if only part of these episodes stick out and you find some peace in good and the other half are there to be watched again or not watched, he takes no offense, he does this outta the good of his heart to educate, I gained a large amount of my spirituality and how i go about it from these videos, I wanna use the word structure to my spirituality but it almost seems wrong putting those two words in the same sentence.

Anyways take it or leave it, Give it a chance though. Educate yourself. Go into it with an open mind.