Million Mask March Locations!!

Million Mask March Locations!!

What a site to see, Someone on the event page for the march linked this on one of my posts. Absolutely amazing to see its global. Wish there were more, im sure there will be before the day there is still time. If your interested in rallying up your own march in your area and there is not one close check out my Anonymous section on my blog, which should lead you to more information and lead you to start your own march. 

The Original. Look to the left he said, And so I did

The Original. Look to the left he said, And so I did

On the left side of the page you can see it. That was the original mask, The Writing was much more grim. It was in a heavy heavy delusional state when this happened.

-“Are You Ready? For? Games Game Game… Bet I’ll win”
-“Regret – Opposite of remorse you regret because you fear the consequence. Regret is selfish”
-“Remorse – Thruthfully sorry. Wanting to change. Learning”

“So Once more… Tell Me Why. You can’t can you hide for much longer The shores will flood.”
“You can tell the same lie A thousand time; But it never gets anymore true. So close your eyes once more and believe that they all still believe in you – Lamb of God”
“I doubt you understand, The shades of grey on my face, To your eyes its just the lighting, Behind mine its hungry.”

“Lets play a game.. What?”
“Blinded by self righteous actions you don’t realize the ground you tread on bites back. Slowly sinking into your mind, your being, your blood. Cancel me from your thoughts… I think not.”

Another part of another mask

Another part of another mask

A trance, to this